Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is this Karma OWWWWW!!?

2 Years ago i had a crush on a girl that road my bus and she got off 1st so one day i cheacked so i knew her apartment complex i asked her out and was rejected now i gained 38 pounds and have a muscular mold i normally run 2 miles home but for the 1st time in years i lost a race so i was a lil peaved hes my friend so i wasnt mad at him but at me for being so slow i didnt lose that bad until i quit so i decided to add 3 miles to my run i moved so i live 3 miles away from my x-crush i made it to a block away from her apartment complex and bam a pebble tripped me i landed on my sholder but some how both my knees my back and part of my thigh got scd and thenthat burned but i kept runing a carwash was open and the water hit my cuts u think nice wll no it was an acid and my legs felt like dead wood so i started to limp home after 15 mins it felt better so i ran 2 mins later i collapsed on the gr i didnt trip i just stoped moving and fell on my *** like i stoped and sat but my legs felt even more parylyzed i sat a while and walked the rest of the way shirtless i guess trying to show off my new muscles to my ex crush was bad and karma kicked my *** do u thinks so or why do you think this happened?

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