Tuesday, August 16, 2011

If the Nazis acceded to power today, how would things go down?

Would they be identified readily as goose-stepping bigots, fearful of individuality and ignorant of love, easily thwarted for their own faulty, self-serving ideals of puerile hatred? Or would they be viewed as overly-litigious eccentrics with unconventional views that could be easily ignored within the m of larger conventional society? Say, would they blend in to our surroundings despite their manic inability to cope with reality or any proper standard of ethics? Would there even be some Hollywood celebrities that fall for their drivel about being a "master race", posing as giddy, bipolar guests on inflated talk shows? Under the cover of all this, would their violent practices be disregarded even as they might torture dissidents, brainwash citizens and kidnap them from their families, and strive to remove YouTube videos exposing their insane ineptitude? What do you think they'd do?

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