Friday, August 19, 2011

To get Ph down can I use..?

Acid as well as quick ph changes are potentially deadly to your fish. I don't know what ph level you have though if it's 8.2 get some Lake Tanganykan fish. If it's 7.8 -7.4 get some Lake Malawi or Central American fish. The best thing you can do is not adjust the PH of your water with any form of chemical. Get some fish that will happily live in your aquarium and that way you can keep up on regular water changes which will provide a long healthy happy life. When you start messing with the ph eventually you forget or change the water too fast and kill everyone. If you absolutely have to raise or breed fish that can't live in your ph then you should buy a reverse osmosis system. Test the water before it goes through the system, test it after it exits your system and determine if you need to mix this and at what level to get the water hardness and ph you are looking for. If you need to lower the ph after you've removed the hardness then use canadian peat moss though boil and test this before begining because you want to know what acid level the batch you have is at to determine how much you want to filter through your aquarium. If you go this route you can have the ro unit put water into a 55 gallon drum and have some water movement in here that will filter through the peat moss. This way you'll have a constant supply of water at the level necessary for water changes. As mentioned from the begining, life is much easier to get fish that can live in your water. I ume based on your ph comments that you water is very hard and that's great for a wide variety of fish and I'm sure you'll find some you would love to have in your aquarium. Enjoy.

I live in NY, i have a petit larceny charge on my record now is there anyway to get this sealed?

I made an irrational move, I was robbed at gunpoint. I called the cops I even identified the guys who did it to me and the cops did NOTHING. My face was beaten in and there wasa bloody handprint on the door. I ran into one of the guys at a store and i beat him up and took his i pod. this is my first offense and as you can tell I was not thinking clearly. This is preventing me from getting a job at even WALMART! Is there anyway I can get this sealed? I live in NY so I know I cant get it expunged. What are the chances of getting a pardon? And please I know I made a stupid decision, I don't need anyone telling me how stupid it was.

Woodhead or Jennings ?HELP!?

I know JENNINGS IS BETTER but he doesnt have rodgers and woodhead has brady im feeling he might have a better game ? help and EXPLAIN I WILL RATE BEST ANSWER!! HELP!

What the hell is wrong with the Giants?

They let go of Edgar Renteria, the World Series MVP! Now that made no sense, he's still in good shape and those 2 hits that he hit, basically pulled the Giants into being the champs! Who's next San Fran? Cody Ross? What do you think about this?

So those of you who think rap music is bad?

I say, I never said I liked rock of these times but I know I certainly would rather my kids listen to it then lil wayne or any of those f*cks......I just want my old school hip-hop, tribe, de la soul , common, the WU.....those guys!

What are some college groups in the new york area aimed toward people of high intellect?

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. 7He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son. 8But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the ually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."

BB9: Would you allow your tart of a son behave like that on C4?

what you mean asullt some body by spitting at them, Well no no denise should be ashamed of him self. Thumbs up to Darnel for standing up to them all.