Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is it not so painfull to listen from a muslim that Jesus is just a prophet?

God exists as Holy Father, Jesus and the Holy sprit. When Moses received 10 commandments, though he saw a little, other Israels couldnot face him due to brigtness he had. To rescue the human from sin(redeem from sin) and offer eternal life Jesus came in this world as man, died for us and resurrected to heaven. whoever beleive this(His Holy blood cleanse our sin and redeem us from sins) God send his holy sprit. God is God as Father, Jesus and Holy sprit. This truth had been changed and confused set of people.Jesus had already said this that beware about wrong prohpets. However, His sacrifice had been forgotten(forced to forget) millions. Please note salavation is through Jesus only. Jesus is the only way to heaven. With out His blood and cross no one can reach Heaven.

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