Thursday, August 11, 2011

What to do as a tourist in west country (england)?

For the 2nd time in about 18 months, I will be going to the province (pardon me if that's the wrong word) of somerset, specifically the small town of frome. I get to pick and choose (for the most part or at least suggest ideas). So far we've come up with Monkey World, London, Bath. We've done the shopping in Bath and London Eye/Hard Rock Cafe in London. What other things do suggest are the best to see in those 2 cities. When I was England in 1998 as a graduation present (with school) i visited both of those cities and loved the both. Bath has changed so much since then. It's become a shopaholics dream in some areas, which takes away from the history. I am a history buff myself. Any other realistic suggestions would be wonderful as well. I have about a week to work with and a pretty flexible schedule too. It helps when you are staying with locals (former neighbors in the states)! Feel free to email with pictures or extensive info at TTFN~

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