Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What could be wrong with me?

I can tell that lately somethings not quite right with me. For over a month i've been unusually tired; yawning about 5 times an hour. And its not due to a lack of sleep, i get plenty. I've also been really pale. My natural skin tone is pale, but not as pale as i have been looking lately, alot of people have noticed it too. And its not due to a lack of sun, i'm always sure to get my daily dose of sun. I have bags under my eyes, which look just a little red. I eat right for the most part, so i don't think its due to unhealthy eating habits. I have a theory that I may be anemic, (my cousin has it so i'm thinking maybe it runs in the family. Is anemia hereditary?) Do you have any idea what could be wrong with me?

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