Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My partner money problems are tearing us apart?

my partner moved in with me a few years ago but decided that he will keep his flat on and my daughter and her boyfriend moved in , on the understanding that they would pay the rent , they never payed it he finally got a job last month and payed a little of the rent , i had to give up work due to illness and money is very very tight , just found out today that his new job is only for 11 hrs per week and that my partner has agreed to carry on paying the rent , whats worse is that he is paying there and i have just found that my rent is in arrears , i also have his child living at home with me and all i can see is him paying there rent and they are taking the mickey out of us she is 21 and the boyfriend is 22 its about time he took responsibilty for himself instead of sitting on his backside and leting everyone else keep him , i also found out that none of the bills were being paid to , we have had another huge row over money but i think he should stop paying there rent .

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