Sunday, August 14, 2011

I just took Next Choice emergency contraception pill?

I had wit my boyfriend and we didn't use protection so he finished in me. the next day he bought me Next Choice and i took the first dose at 6:25pm and the 2nd dose at 6:25am. After the first dose i had a lil pain at the top of my head and it said that headaches were normal so i didnt pay any ind to it. Then when i woke up at 10:30 this morning i sat down and i started to feel a severe cramp in my side tht hurt wen i started wlking. it stopped hurting and now we i eat something the chewing or swalloing motion i get tht pain in the top of my head toward the right side and it feels like there is pressure. Should i be concerned or has any1 experienced this b4?

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